Hamstead Odyssey
Legend says that when Odysseus began journeying home to Ancient Greece from Troy, he made sure he had this Hamstead distortion pedal with him. Maybe. We don’t recommend taking it out to sea, but we definitely do recommend it as one of the best distortion pedals money can buy, that is if you’re happy to really splash the cash on one. It packs in amp-level EQ, and clipping settings that mean you can jump from very heavy distortion to a clean and subtle boost. The gain range is as wide as you like, while the tone can be pushed pretty damn hard. There aren’t many genres the Odyssey can’t handle.
What even is distortion, anyway?
It doesn’t hurt to know what a distortion pedal actually does, especially if being armed with said knowledge assists you on your quest for the best distortion pedal. What these little boxes do is use hard-clipping to take a clean guitar signal and turn it into that gritty, fuzzy, chuggy sound that heavier rock fans love so dearly. Be aware that distortion pedal is something of an umbrella term for distortion, fuzz and overdrive pedals, as they do similar things in subtly different ways.
Distortion is more aggressive than overdrive, which doesn’t clip a guitar’s signal as hard. The clipping in a true fuzz pedal clips the most brutally out of the three. Don’t obsess over this, however, as only your ear (and heart!) can choose, so go out and get listening to what each of these pedals can offer. We can’t wait for you to marry your beloved axe with the distortion pedal of your dreams, and make righteous noise.
Further Reading:
Best microphones for recording electric guitars
Best Virtual Guitar Amps for Amazing Tone