Varun Krrishna has opted for a Genelec Smart Active Monitoring system to compliment the large-format desk and numerous bits of outboard gear in his Kerala-based facility, Mondosonic Studios.
The studio has been a labour of love and five years of research for Krrishna:
“I have a sound of my own, so each gear selection is based on that particular sound and workflow,” he explains, referring to the racks of outboard equipment in the studio. “Investing in all of that advanced gear without a great sounding room would have been a failure, so I got to work.
“It took more than three years to develop my studio’s console room and recording hall. I designed the rooms in ‘golden ratios’ myself and I’m quite happy about the sound I’m getting there now.”
The 600-sq-ft mixing space required monitors which could excel in both coverage and sound quality. Krrishna trialled 10 to 15 monitor speakers to try and find the correct solution for the space, and as part of this process spoke to the experts at Sound Team – a company from which he has bought a large amount of equipment over the last few years.