In this Emerging Headliner interview powered by JBL, US singer-songwriter, Haley Gold, who spent her late teenage years and early twenties writing and recording original music after the split of all-star girl group DAME, talks to Headliner about her time in the group, her biggest musical influences, her recently released single Laughing In My Sleep, and her upcoming tour in NYC.
Tell us about your start in the music industry with DAME.
I was in that girl group from the ages of about 17 to 21. Those were my growing up years; it was a lot about finding out not only who I was as an artist, but how I can contribute to a girl group in that kind of setting. It taught me literally everything, especially with Shawn Stockman [Boyz II Men], from harmonies and making connections to character building and teamwork, and more importantly, how to get myself out into the world when it came to what I wanted to sing about.
It certainly helped with my growth coming out of that group. Having recently entered my twenties, I was just in a state of ‘okay, I knew who I was in a girl group, but how can I define who I am not just as an artist, but as a person.’ So there was definitely a lot of soul searching going on during that time, and it helped me get into the creative process of writing music – not just about breakups and friendships and stuff like that – but about daily life; things don't have to be sugar-coated and great all the time when it comes to writing songs. There was a lot of vulnerability and expression that came out of my songwriting during that period and it led me to who I am now.